Starfish Cushion Sea Star Common Comet Star Brittlestar
Groupers Tiger Grouper Nassau grouper Red Hind Graysby Coney
Jacks Bar jack Horse-eyed Palometa
Snappers Mutton snapper Gray Snapper Yellowtail snapper Yellowfin Mojarra
Grunts Porkfish Spanish Grunt Bluestriped Grunt Smallmouth Grunt Margate
Drums Spotted Drum Highhat
Butterfly Fish Banded Butterfly Four-eye butterfly Spotfin Butterfly
Blenny and Sweepers Redlipped Blenny Glassy Sweepers
Boxfish Honeycomb Cowfish Scawled Cowfish
Pufferfish Checkered puffer Sharpnosed puffer Porcupine Pufferfish Balloon Pufferfish
Rays Spotted Eagle Ray Great Southern Devil Ray Sand Sting Ray
Eels Green moray Spotted moray Purple Mouth Moray Sharptail Eel Goldspotted Eel
Barracuda Great Barracuda
Slim-bodied fishes Trumpet fish Redfin Needlefish
Squirrelfish Longspined Dusky squirrelfish
Hamlets Indigo Hamlet Barred Hamlet Basslets and Seabasses Fairy Basslet Blackhead basslet Harlequin bass
Goatfish Yellow goatfish Spotted goatfish
Flounder Peacock Eyed
Misc. Spotted Scorpionfish Flying Gurnard Bandtail SeaRobin Blue tang Barred Cardinalfish Saucereye Porgy
Inverts. Caribbean Spiny Lobster Yellowline Arrow Crab Blue Crab Giant Hermit Crab Caribbean Reef Squid Common Octopus